Ryan J. Hoffman Interlink Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Ryan J. Hoffman came to Interlink with more than two decades of auditing and professional experience accrued at two top global accounting firms. As CFO, he is a key member of Interlink’s executive team, managing financial strategy, overseeing all financial functions, structuring initiatives, and guiding corporate development. Along with helping to drive the company's ongoing search for new acquisition targets, he also plays a major role in collaborations and integrations. His familiarity with managing multinational projects is vital as Interlink continues to expand its worldwide presence.

Before coming to Interlink, he spent 16 years at the accounting firm RSM and was a partner there for his last five years. During his tenure, he successfully led audits of global companies in industries that include technology, consumer products, and manufacturing. While at RSM, he cultivated a specialization in software and multiple-element revenue recognition accounting and auditing. Prior to that, he worked for the Big Four accounting firm Ernst & Young.

Mr. Hoffman graduated with a degree in accounting from Chapman University and is a licensed CPA (inactive). He is also the CFO of Qualstar Corporation and Qualstar's wholly owned subsidiary N2Power, Inc.

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